RC Bearings

Did you know that there is nothing like special RC bearings? I don’t have exact market size information for ball bearings for radio controlled models, however it can be considered as a niche market within the larger market for ball bearings. How to pick a good bearing? Well, there is Read more…

BN-880 GPS

The BN-880 GPS Module is a high-precision, multi-functional GPS module that is widely used for various applications. It features high sensitivity, fast time-to-first-fix, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The module is easy to use and comes with clear documentation, making it a popular choice among hobbyists and professionals alike. Some users Read more…

Florida RC Clubs

Here is an incomplete list of RC Clubs in South Florida. Your club is not listed here? Please email us. Website Location https://airmastersrc.org Sebastian, Florida https://www.amps-rc.org/ Miami, Florida https://www.mcmodelers.com Martin County, Florida https://www.pslrchobbygroup.com Port St. Lucie, Florida https://sundancersrc.com/ Port St. Lucie, Florida https://torchs.org/ Sorrento, Florida http://www.tractampa.com/ Seffner, Florida